Zîcü’s-Sind-Hind [Zîcü’l-Hârizmî] (It is based on a book brought to Baghdad by the Indian committee during the time of the Caliph Mansûr named Brahma-gupta Sidharta or on another book with the same name. Hârizmî added new information to the book with his inventions. It was the first Islamic astronomy book), Kitâbü’l-Muhtaşar fî hisâbi’l-cebr ve’l-mukâbele (The first math book that had the “algebra" word in its name compiled methodically. The algebra developed by Hârizmî was the algebra limited to second-order equation above all. Besides, no negative numbers were used, so the determination of the equation was only done by finding the positive roots. Based on Harizmî’yi- İbn-i Haldun, Kâtip Çelebi was shown as the first author to write a book on Algebra with Keşf-üz-Zünun),Kitâbü'l-Hisâbi'l-Hindî (The Indian numbers and the decimal number system was introduced to the Islamic world with this book of Hârizmî), Kitâbü'İ-Cem ve'l-Tetrîk (This book didn’t reach today, but it is understood from the reference made by Abdülkâdir b.Tâhir el-Bağdâdî et-Tekmile fi'l-hisâb in his book that this book was about calculation with hands),Kitâbü'l-Coğrafya [Kitâbü Şûre-ti'l Arz] (This book of Hârizmî, who was among the first Islamic geographers, gives the coordinates of the cities and some particular regions. This co-ordination of Hârizmî was a sample for the studies of the Islamic geographers after him), Risâle fi'stihrâci târîhi'l-Yehûd (It was a study in which the calendar used by the Hebrews was discussed within the framework of practical astronomy understanding. The book was printed with different booklets on astronomy), Kitâbü't-Târîh (This book couldn't reach today; however from the references of many Islamic historians after him, it is understood that like his contemporary Ebû Ma'şer el-Belhî, Hârizmî also tried to establish a certain relation between the astrological rules), Kitâbü'Ameli'l-usturlâb and Kitâbü l-Amel bi'l-usturlâb (None of them reached today. Only in a manuscript correlated to Fergânî, there is a part describing how Hârizmî solved astronomy problems by using astrolabe method), Amelü's-sâ a fî basîti'r-Ruhâme (The book, found in the classic sources, is about making a sundial on a marble surface), Zarâ'if min ameli Muhammed b. Mûsâ el-Hârizmî fî ma'rife-ti'ssemt bi'l'usturlâb (A copy of this book, which is not mentioned in classic sources, reached today. This is most probably a part of an unknown book of Hârizmî that didn’t reach today).,
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